Tuesday, November 27

Electrolux Design Lab Finalists Biting Their Nails as the Winner is Announced/design lab

electrolux-shower.jpgThe winner of Electrolux's Design Lab 2007 competition will be announced tomorrow in Paris, and these are the final eight products hoping to win their creator 5,000€ ($7,435). The brief was to design something eco-friendly and sustainable for 2020, and sexiest is the Fog Shower by Joo Diego Schlmansky from Brazil, which consumes just two liters of water during a five-minute shower. It's all to do with the mist of microscopic water droplets, rather than a traditional shower, which uses around 20 liters for the same amount of scrub-up time.

electrolux design lab

This Year finalists

GO Fresh
Go Fresh by He Cheng Fei from Jiangnan University, China.
Go Fresh is an energy-saving fridge with 12 individual, honeycomd-shaped compartments that are temperature-controlled and automatically close air inlet when the correct temperature is reached.


‘Circompo – Automatic food composter by Thanat Tengamnuay – King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi, Thailand’

The Fridge is pretty spanky too, no? [Electrolux Design Lab via MoCo Loco]

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