Monday, May 26

Paula Bastiaansen

Start date: 26-04-2008
End date: 18-05-2008
Country: The Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
Location: Galerie Carla Koch

Exhibition of new ceramic work.

By Editor / 06-05-2008

Exhibition of new ceramic work.

Paula Bastiaansen's objects are always extremely fragile forms, based on the bowl but with many fine offshoots. Her objects, which are very light, suggest total weightlessness, partially because of the bone-china she uses as her basic material. Apart from weightlessness, Bastiaansen is "fascinated by continuous movement in natural and cosmic processes". She expresses this fascination through the slow turning movement all her objects suggest.

Although her objects are clearly based on the bowl form, in recent years they have evolved into spatial structures. Any "enclosing walls" have been removed completely.

Bastiaansen starts by drawing a new object, and covering this drawing with transparent plastic. She then forms a very thin layer of bone-china, and cuts it up into pieces. She assembles these pieces on top of her drawing, dries it a bit and then puts it in a bowl-formed mould. Finally she forms the fine offshoots and folds and fires the object. By this procedure she creates her recognizable, fragile and moving objects.


Paula Bastiaansen (1953) was educated at the Koninklijke Academie voor Kunst en Vormgeving in Den Bosch, the Netherlands. Recently she won the Bronze Award of the Taiwan Ceramics Biennale, the jury especially praising her fragile techniques and her mastery of her material. Paula Bastiaansen is a teacher at the School voor Expressie at Roozendaal, the Netherlands.


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