Monday, November 24

Third-Culture Kid, Obama and innovation

Read this week

I came accross a great post looking at Third-Culture Kid and living on liminality

It does resonate with me, and really sums up my cultural upbringing. It is quite difficult to figure out how you can capitalize on being in born in one country (france), growing up in another (Cameroon) ad living in the third (UK). This article helps me figuring out

And to summarize the qualities of the individual,

I'm going to highlight key statements that articulate the characteristics of a person who embraces liminal space,

  • Cross cultural skills such as flexibility, tolerance and strong observation skills
    • As cultures and communities come increasingly into contact, we need to know how to respect, observe and learn from cultural differences.
    • We are life-long learners, and the world is our classroom
  • Poised to deal with rapid change. Comfortable with ambiguity.
    • The ability think quickly on our feet and can take the initiative to troubleshoot -- but we often do so in a context of understanding the currents and observing the situation first.
    • Flexibility and tolerance don't always translate as strong points in business.
    • Observation in particular seems to be underrated.
    • Tries to figure out which way the river is flowing before jumping in. i.e. sees the big picture.
  • Multi-dimensional world view
    • We don't assume that our way is the best or only way.
  • Greater "spiritual" perspective or Open to other value systems.
    • We observe that different people's experience has created different truths in their lives -- from how to relate to self and others to how to relate to spirituality.
    • Question those who promote a belief that there is only ONE way to nourish a spiritual life.
    • Rather than be threatened by different belief systems, relish the beauty in the diversity, taking something from everything.

Bruce Nussbaum gives President elect Barack Obama some advice on who can help him get innovation right

Also if you speak French a great three-part radi programme on the The impact of mobile technology around the world (via Putting people first)

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